Positive Attitude Changes Everything

Making the world a happier place one person at a time.

Are You Happy?

Are you happy?  I mean, REALLY happy.  I wonder how many people could honestly answer “Yes!  I am really happy!”?  I have a feeling it wouldn’t be very many people.  I think most people would just kind of shrug their shoulders and say “Yeah, I guess so.”  But what I’m really guessing is that, in all honesty, most people aren’t really very happy at all.  I mean genuinely happy.  I think a lot of people are like I was most of my life – wandering aimlessly through life wondering “Is this really all there is?  Because this doesn’t seem all that great.” They’ve just kind of settled with their lives the way they are and never thought about doing anything to make it any better.

Ask yourself right now, are you truly happy?  Are you honestly happy with every aspect of your life right now?  If not, why?  Because, you know, you can be.  You should be.  You have every right to be.  You decide every single day if you are happy or not.  And if you’re not, it’s because you chose not to be.  Maybe you didn’t consciously decide to be unhappy but settling for anything less than 100% happy is pretty much deciding to be unhappy.  We each have control over our own lives.  It may not seem like it but we do.  Everyday that we go through life unhappy about any single thing, we have made the decision to be unhappy.  We don’t have a lot of control over the people or situations that make us unhappy but the one thing we do have control over is ourselves.  We are the only people that decide if we are going to be happy or not.  It’s up to us.

So let me ask you again, are you happy?  Really happy?  If not, why not?  And what are you doing to change that?  Because, you know, you’re the only one that can change it.  We can all hope that some day a Fairy Godmother will show up and do it for us but why wait?  Why not just be happy now?  If there’s something in your life that you’re not happy about, CHANGE IT!  It may seem like it’s impossible to change but it’s not.  Big changes start with little changes.  If it seems like it’s impossible then you’re not trying hard enough.  You can be successful or you can make excuses but you can’t do both.  Just keep breaking it down.  Overcome your excuses.  When you come up with an excuse, find a way to get around that excuse and keep going until you can’t think of any more excuses.  For every excuse you think of, ask yourself “Why?” and figure out the answer.  Eventually you’ll figure out exactly what you need to do to be happy.  Never stop asking “WHY!?!” until you can honestly say you’re happy.  No one else is going to make you happy but YOU.  Everyone else is worried about their own happiness (or unhappiness).  If you want to be happy, it’s up to you.

So what are you doing to make yourself happy today?

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